B2B Social Media Marketing Guide

Social Media
business 2 business

When we talk about social media marketing, we normally think of B2C sales. This happens because most of the customers spend their time on the social media sites. B2C business creates attractive social media content to woo the customers so that, they make the final purchase. However, this doesn’t mean that B2B businesses can’t achieve success through social media marketing. There are several companies which have expanded their roots with the help of their powerful B2B marketing strategy. So, here are the tacts which one must utilize to run a successful marketing campaign.


When it is about generating leads for some B2B company, Ebooks play the prominent role in this. They are not only a low-cost option but also require minimal resources to make things happen. To create your Ebook, all you have to do is to explore your company blogs and publish something interesting every day that makes your company stand out.

b2b social media marketing


Infographics have the record of successful performance on the social media platforms. B2B businesses get the maximum advantage of the content as they get to explore the industry related data. A small snapshot of infographics can be shared among the industry through the social media. But in order to enjoy the full version, one needs to go to the website and then download it in return for the lead information.  Infographics are the new trend in the market as it helps in visualizing the complex information which can otherwise fail to captivate the business’s attention.

Social Media Contest

And this is probably the best way to generate the leads through social media. Organize a social media contest and take the benefit of thousand leads which gets generated on the basis of it. All you need to do is pick an interesting theme and choose the deadline and price for your giveaway contest. This method might be a bit tricky for you but if done with proper planning and management, it might work wonders for your business.

Free Trials

Well, there are several businesses which flourish on the basis of free trials and when social media platforms such as Facebook have a special provision to allow the custom pages creation on your business page, you can get further greater benefits. This has emerged as a popular method to attract traffic via 3rd party audience.

Referral Bonuses

Who doesn’t get attracted to bonuses and incentives? Yes, there are plenty of companies who are already using the referral strategy to enhance their business. In this strategy, sharing is used as a tool for incentive in social media contests.  Hence, when the participants share the contest among their networks, they get the bonus entries. Isn’t it interesting?

B2B social media marketing is way different from the B2C marketing. The aforementioned guidelines can be followed to boost your B2B social media marketing. So, follow the steps and see your business expand at a faster pace than ever.

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