Ethical Bias In AI-Based Security Systems: The Big Data Disconnect

It’s a question that has surfaced at the discussion tables of conferences and social chats everywhere-“Can machines turn on humans?”. It’s a question that often accompanies scenes and visuals from movies like the Terminator. But what we know and what we’ve seen from the use of AI in big data is that certain uncertainties and biases have […]

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Podcast: Artificial Intelligence – Global Governance, National Policy, and Public Trust with Allan Dafoe and Jessica Cussins

Experts predict that artificial intelligence could become the most transformative innovation in history, eclipsing both the development of agriculture and the industrial revolution. And the technology is developing far faster than the average bureaucracy can keep up with. How can local, national, and international governments prepare for such dramatic changes and help steer AI research […]

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AI Alignment Podcast: On Becoming a Moral Realist with Peter Singer

Are there such things as moral facts? If so, how might we be able to access them? Peter Singer started his career as a preference utilitarian and a moral anti-realist, and then over time became a hedonic utilitarian and a moral realist. How does such a transition occur, and which positions are more defensible? How […]

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AI Alignment Podcast: Moral Uncertainty and the Path to AI Alignment with William MacAskill

How are we to make progress on AI alignment given moral uncertainty?  What are the ideal ways of resolving conflicting value systems and views of morality among persons? How ought we to go about AI alignment given that we are unsure about our normative and metaethical theories? How should preferences be aggregated and persons idealized […]

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Podcast: AI and Nuclear Weapons – Trust, Accidents, and New Risks with Paul Scharre and Mike Horowitz

In 1983, Soviet military officer Stanislav Petrov prevented what could have been a devastating nuclear war by trusting his gut instinct that the algorithm in his early-warning system wrongly sensed incoming missiles. In this case, we praise Petrov for choosing human judgment over the automated system in front of him. But what will happen as […]

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Cognitive Biases and AI Value Alignment: An Interview with Owain Evans

At the core of AI safety, lies the value alignment problem: how can we teach artificial intelligence systems to act in accordance with human goals and values? Many researchers interact with AI systems to teach them human values, using techniques like inverse reinforcement learning (IRL). In theory, with IRL, an AI system can learn what […]

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Can We Properly Prepare for the Risks of Superintelligent AI?

Risks Principle: Risks posed by AI systems, especially catastrophic or existential risks, must be subject to planning and mitigation efforts commensurate with their expected impact. We don’t know what the future of artificial intelligence will look like. Though some may make educated guesses, the future is unclear. AI could keep developing like all other technologies, helping […]

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