5 Signs You Are A Tech Addict

Internet Technology
  Let’s face it, it is nearly impossible to live without the help of some type of technology. The perception of “normal” computer usage levels increases with each passing year. Whether we like to admit it or not, excessive phone or tablet use is an addiction. So are you addicted to technology? Here are some factors to consider.

Inability or Unwillingness to Complete Other Tasks

When you have a technology addiction, it always starts with misuse, which often begins with very frequent or high usage. When that happens, you start to feel like there’s nothing else you’d rather do, and when that urge becomes unhealthy, you know something is wrong. For instance, you may be grouchy about having to go to work in the morning, or you may be prepared to forego a few days of school or other obligations in order to spend more time online. Losing Track of Time Spent Online Losing track of time is a crucial indicator of a technological addiction. When you’re so absorbed in what you’re doing online or on your smartphone or tablet that you don’t know hours have passed, there’s something wrong. How often have you lost a block of say 30 minutes scrolling reels? I mean, it is hard to stop!

You Don’t Know What You’re Missing

Technology addicts tend to lose confidence and interest in the actual world, preferring the comfort and certainty of an alternative (the world of Warcraft, Facebook, Netflix). The importance of family, friendships, and other real-life activities is eaten up by a lack of control (and a need for artificial control). Remember that while TV shows, movies, and video games will always be available, your friends and family will not. Monitor Tan The effects of binging on Battlestar Galactica or The Handmaid’s Tale are clear, especially in the summer. Paleness and mood swings caused by a lack of sunshine and other physical changes like weight gain or loss, backaches, slouching, headaches, or carpal tunnel syndrome are all direct consequences of technology misuse. If your sleep patterns alter, such as turning nocturnal, you risk disturbing your biological clock. Take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, “Is this who I want to be?”

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Several forms of media use simultaneously, such as playing computer games while watching TV or browsing the internet while listening to music, have been connected to anxiety and depression symptoms. Disconnect your devices; enjoy and focus on one task at a time. Basically being more mindful helps. Once we are more aware it is very easy to check our own use of technology and ensure it doesn’t go out of hand. As fun and useful as it may be, anything done in excess can turn harmful. The same applies to our gadgets.

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