Amazon Launches a Smart Thermostat With a $60 Price Tag

Amazon Smart thermostat

Amazon kicked off its event with a surprising product— its own Amazon Smart Thermostat. Most shocking is the price. It’ll sell for only $60, which is quite a bit cheaper than most other smart thermostats on the market.

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The new thermostat is Energy Star-certified, so it’ll definitely work efficiently in your home to keep the temperature in check. It goes along with Amazon’s commitment to making more sustainable products, and helping to cut down on HVAC usage is a move in that direction.

Amazon says the new thermostat will work with most 24V HVAC systems, so you’ll likely be able to hook this up with your heating and cooling system.

The company partnered with Honeywell Home to create the thermostat, which is nice because Honeywell has been involved in the HVAC world for 130 years. Rather than Amazon jumping into this space, partnering with an experienced company like Honeywell makes us more confident in this device.

As far as the price, Amazon says the thermostat will sell for $60, but the company also cited utility-provider rebates, which could bring the cost of the thermostat down to $10. So if the main thing keeping you from updating to a smart thermostat was the price, the Amazon Smart Thermostat might be the device you’ve been waiting for.

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