Twitter reports 0-percent user growth… but it isn’t even close to dying

Twitter is going through a rough patch. The company released its quarterly report earlier today and despite beating Wall Street revenue expectations, the social media giant is still struggling to stimulate meaningful growth. Contrary to analyst predictions, the microblogging service managed to rake in a revenue of $574 million during the last quarter – which is $37 […]

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Twitter, for once, is soaring and says it’s seeing less abuse on site

Twitter may be having its best day ever, or at least in quite a while. Just about everybody — but especially Wall Street (aka Twitter’s worst enemy)  — expected to see slow user growth and a downturn on Twitter’s revenue. And yet, the unexpected happened. Twitter… had a good quarter?! The highlight is the return […]

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Twitter still struggles with revenue, despite Trump’s love for the platform

Thanks to President Donald Trump, Twitter has basically served as the center of political universe for the past six months. And yet, the company still can’t make money. Twitter has never been profitable. It bleeds money and those losses are growing despite the platform being nearly omnipresent in the current moment. There had been some […]

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Twitter’s in a tailspin. Will it take flight, or embrace the fail whale of fate?

Twitter is losing. They’re losing executives, money, advertisers, investor confidence, and respect from developers and creators. But someone still believes its best days ahead. “The whole world is watching Twitter. While we may not be currently meeting everyone’s growth expectations, there is one thing that continues to grow and outpace our peers: Twitter’s influence and […]

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