Japanese engineer makes a gigantic ‘Gundam’ robot, and it’s spectacular

Not sure if youve ever seen the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, but it’s essentially about people who get inside absolutely giant robots and fight each other in them – top stuff, I think you’ll agree. Clearly though, it is fully cemented in the world of the make-believe. Or it was until now, because a Japanese […]

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Experts are worried that a South Korean university could trigger the robot apocalypse

More than fifty of the world’s leading experts in artificial intelligence have come together to try and halt the actions of a South Korean university that they believe could basically be building Skynet. They’re not using such layman’s terms as “Skynet”, “Terminator” or “Did you call moi a dip-shit?” though. What they’re concerned about is a joint […]

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The first autonomous, entirely soft robot

A team of Harvard University researchers with expertise in 3D printing, mechanical engineering, and microfluidics has demonstrated the first autonomous, untethered, entirely soft robot. This small, 3D-printed robot — nicknamed the octobot — could pave the way for a new generation of completely soft, autonomous machines. Soft robotics could revolutionize how humans interact with machines. […]

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Using static electricity, microrobots can land and stick to surfaces

Call them the RoboBats. In a recent article in Science, Harvard roboticists demonstrate that their flying microrobots, nicknamed the RoboBees, can now perch during flight to save energy — like bats, birds or butterflies. “Many applications for small drones require them to stay in the air for extended periods,” said Moritz Graule, first author of […]

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Robot learning companion offers custom-tailored tutoring

A child plays an interactive language learning game with Tega, a socially assistive robot.   Parents want the best for their children’s education and often complain about large class sizes and the lack of individual attention. Goren Gordon, an artificial intelligence researcher from Tel Aviv University who runs the Curiosity Lab there, is no different. […]

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walking robots

A study by engineers at Oregon State University suggests that they have achieved the most realistic robotic implementation of human walking dynamics that has ever been done, which may ultimately allow human-like versatility and performance. The system is based on a concept called “spring-mass” walking that was theorized less than a decade ago, and combines […]

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Ahead of tomorrow’s iPhone 6S release, a robot is first in line for the new Apple phone

The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus go on sale tomorrow (September 25), and queues have already started forming around the world. In the ultimate case of tech nerd meets social anxiety with a hearty dollop of ingenuity, however, a woman in Australia has shunned camping out on the street herself – sending her robot […]

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