The future of source code security is consensus-based

Jacek MaternaCONTRIBUTOR Jacek Materna is CTO of Assembla. The security landscape is ever-changing. It is the most non-constant industry on the planet. New threats appear and new solutions are built to squash them. Rinse, repeat. It’s a never-ending cycle in what seems like no end in sight. What’s the promised land? Can we ever reach an […]

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The consensus is clear: there is no upside to a nuclear Brexit Clare Moody

  Cabinet resignations, a government with no majority in the Commons, a make-or break-budget for the chancellor and a fast-approaching Brexit negotiating deadline means it is easy for issues to slip out of the public consciousness. Against this backdrop, Euratom and the UK’s future nuclear safeguarding regime risk being forgotten. As the nuclear safeguards bill […]

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