Tim Cook Changed His Twitter Handle to ‘Tim Apple’

The day after being addressed as “Tim Apple” (Time + Apple emoji) by President Trump, during a press conference for the first meeting of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, Tim Cook wanted everyone to know that he’s in on the joke. The official White House transcript of Trump’s remarks was written as “We appreciate […]

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These 9 Words Will Make You Fluent In Internet Slang

Languages, just like all other things human developments, evolve and grow over time. The advent of the internet has allowed many languages to enjoy a plethora of new words and expression. While these words usually start off as a bit cutting edge, only belonging to obscure internet communities, they eventually seep into the mainstream and […]

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Google’s ‘Doodles’ Make Web Searching Educational

Google is known for their out-of-the-box thinking and cutting-edge technology. They create phones, self-driving cars, accurate maps, AI assistants and even their own verb (Google it!). Some may wonder why would a company as big as Google are making a fuss about making unique doodles? The doodles we’re talking about are the whimsical, sometimes animated images […]

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New AI System Can Analyze Body Language to Identify Shoplifters

A new AI system could be the long-awaited answer in resolving a worldwide problem- shoplifting.   Dubbed as Vaakeye, the latest artificial intelligence software developed by Japanese startup Vaak identifies shoplifters through their body language and alerts the store employees via an app so that they can prevent stealing. However, a study from MIT and […]

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