Intentional, Private, Meaningful: Why the World Needs Web 3.0

Where would we be without the internet? Indispensable to daily lives, powering global industry and commerce – it’s one of the most defining technological revolutions in history. Ever since its official inception, the internet has significantly evolved in scope and intent. When Tim Berners Lee started developing the World Wide Web in 1989, he envisioned […]

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Even More Instagrammers Who Took Their Photo Edits to the Very Extreme

One thing we really hope you have all learned by now is that most of what you see on social media is fake. While it is natural to want to look our best when we present ourselves to the online world, it is important to remember to use filters and Photoshop in moderation. & […]

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Advice for CIOs: Removing Bottlenecks in Data Sharing, Mobility & Management Across Clouds

As multi-cloud becomes the new normal, the IT architecture that centrally stores and shares data and deploys applications in multiple clouds will be the optimal choice. Continuous digital transformation encourages rapid upgrades in enterprise IT architectures. Several industries including finance, carrier, healthcare, and Internet have already started multi-cloud deployment and gained insights into best practices. […]

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